Welcome to our Resources Page!
This page will be regularly updated with resources to help LGBTQIA+ folx and their families thrive. Here's what we've got for you so far:
Family of the QUEER 2023 LGBTQIA+ Informational Guide
What's inside? The ABCs of LGBTQIA+. What do all those letters even mean? What's the difference between gender identity and gender expression? How do doctors decide what gender marker will be assigned on a person's birth certificate? Why is any of this important? All this and more available in an easy to read guide. Available as a printable PDF, it's also a great way to introduce our organization to families that need a safe place to exist.
Citations for Family of the QUEER 2023 LGBTQIA+ Informational Guide
We believe in the importance of citing your sources- so here's all of the info on how we got all of our info for our 2023 LGBTQIA+ Informational Guide.
Resources for Families from the Family Acceptance Project
The Family Acceptance Project is a research, education, intervention, and policy project that has been helping families learn to support their LGBTQ and gender diverse children for nearly 20 years using an evidence-based family support model. Here are some of the tools they provide that we have seen help families thrive first hand.
Family Acceptance Project: Behaviors that Help & Behaviors that Hurt Posters
The Behaviors that Help and Behaviors that Hurt posters help to educate those who provide a critical role of family support for LGBTQ children and youth to prevent suicide and other serious health outcomes and to build healthy futures. We recommend printing both. You can check them out here:
Gender Spectrum's My Gender Journey
One of the most impactful ways of understanding and exploring gender begins with unpacking what messages a person has absorbed about gender during their own life. Gender Spectrum's My Gender Journey is a thought provoking tool that helps people do just that. Check it out by clicking the button below
LGBTQIA+ history resources:
As we see an increase in LGBTQIA+ history being stripped from public education, it is more important than ever to provide young people with the knowledge that queer people have always existed and show them that others like them are represented throughout history. The following links will take you to age appropriate LGBTQIA+ history curriculum:
Click here for elementary school LGBTQIA+ history curriculum complete with videos, informational guides, and printable worksheets from Stonewall.org.
Click here for middle & high school LGBTQIA+ history curriculum featuring profiles and essays on LGBTQIA+ historical figures and historical moments, as well as critical thinking questions from Weteachnyc.org.
Happy learning!
Helpful Resources for Thriving During the Holidays:
For LGBTQIA+ folx and their families, the holidays can be a particularly stressful time. Here are some resources to help you thrive this holiday season:
How to Advocate for LGBTQIA+ Youth Among Unsupportive Family
Six helpful tips on how to handle those opinions nobody asked for (yeah, we're talking about yours Aunt Karen).
Navigating before, during, and after the holiday visit for LGBTQIA+ people and their families according to PFLAG as well as some helpful reminders brought to you from queerforty.